Cord Blood Info
Stem cells are found throughout the body, including in bone marrow, peripheral blood, and cord blood. The Mia Hamm Foundation has directed its efforts to educating the public about the far reaching effects of cord blood stem cells, a powerful group that has the ability to treat, repair, and replace damaged cells in the body. Today, these cord blood stems cells, which are free of ethical and political debate, have been used to treat more than 10,000 patients suffering from over 70 life-threatening diseases, including a wide range of cancers and genetic disorders.
The MHF has partnered with Viacord to encourage families to store their babies' umblical cord stem cells for potential medical use. The collection process is safe and painless, and storing a newborn’s cord blood ensures that should a need arise, the child, and often other siblings, would have a source of stem cells that is an exact match. The future of cellular medicine holds exciting possibilities, and the Mia Hamm Foundation is proud to aid the progress through its partnership with Viacord. To learn more about Viacord and cord blood banking, please visit